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Essential Brewery Insurance to Protect Your Business

Let Clarke Dove guide you through what you need to cover in your brewery business.

July 2024


As a brewery owner, you understand the unique challenges and risks that come with the job. From equipment breakdowns to liability issues, the brewing industry is fraught with potential pitfalls that can impact your operations.  

That’s why having comprehensive brewery insurance is crucial. Here are five essential areas you need to consider to ensure your brewery is fully protected.

1. Property Insurance

What it Covers: Property insurance protects the physical assets of your brewery, including the building, equipment, inventory, and raw materials. This type of coverage is essential to safeguard against risks such as fire, theft, vandalism, and natural disasters.

Why it’s Important: Your brewery's physical assets represent a significant investment. In the event of damage or loss, property insurance ensures you can repair or replace your equipment and resume as normal with minimal disruption. Without this coverage, a major incident could lead to severe financial strain or even business closure.

2. Liability Insurance

What it Covers: Liability insurance provides protection against claims arising from injuries or damages that occur on your premises, whilst you are working away or because of your products. This includes public liability, product liability, and employer’s liability insurance.

Why it’s Important:

• Public Liability: Covers claims brought against you by third parties for accidents or injuries that happen on your property, such as a customer slipping on a wet floor.  This is alongside injury or property damage you cause to third parties whilst working away from your premises.

• Product Liability: Protects against claims of injury or illness caused by your products, which is crucial if a batch of beer is found to be contaminated.

• Employer’s Liability: Required by law in the UK, this covers your legal liability in the event that an employee suffers an injury or illness as a result of their work.

3. Business Interruption Insurance

What it Covers: Business interruption insurance compensates for lost income and covers operating expenses if your brewery is forced to shut down temporarily due to a covered event under the Property Insurance.

Why it’s Important: Unexpected interruptions can be devastating for a brewery, leading to loss of income, spoiled products, and potential loss of customers. Business interruption insurance helps ensure you can cover ongoing expenses, such as payroll and rent, while you recover and rebuild, minimising the long-term impact on your business.

4. Stock and Raw Materials Insurance

What it Covers: Stock and raw materials insurance covers the value of your brewing ingredients and finished products. This includes hops, malt, yeast, and other essential components, as well as your bottled or canned beer.

Why it’s Important: A significant portion of your investment is tied up in your raw materials and finished stock. Damage or loss due to events like contamination, spoilage, or theft can result in substantial financial losses. This insurance ensures that you can recover the cost of lost materials and products, maintaining your production schedule and financial stability.

5. Equipment Breakdown Insurance

What it Covers: Equipment breakdown insurance covers the repair or replacement costs of essential brewing equipment if it malfunctions or fails unexpectedly. This includes boilers, refrigeration units, and other critical machinery.

Why it’s Important: Brewing relies heavily on specialised equipment, and any breakdown can halt production. Equipment breakdown insurance ensures that you can quickly repair or replace damaged machinery, minimising downtime. This coverage is vital for maintaining smooth operations and protecting your investment in high-cost equipment.


Running a brewery comes with a unique set of risks, but with the right insurance coverage, you can safeguard your business against these uncertainties. 

At Clarke Dove, we specialise in providing tailored insurance solutions for breweries, microbreweries and brewery tap’s, giving you the peace of mind to grow and thrive. 

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help protect your brewery.